Monday, August 15, 2011

Fear of the Unknown

All the moats and fortifications that a rich man builds and all the terrorising of populations cannot take away from such a person the fear of an invisible enemy.

One of the ideological undercurrents here for the Republicans is the shock of having a black man as President. Some of them would rather lose the country then face four more years of this humiliation. The world view of white supremacy, which reigned supreme in the south for decades is hard to adjust to despite the civil war. In fact the Civil war never ended. The red necks are joined in this by the Jewish lobby who is still reeling from the fact that Obama can concede to Palestinians having some rights.

No President has faced these issues combined with perhaps leading America down the mountain instead of up the mountain. There seems to be no other way to explain all the raw emotion on the hill.

When the main option being looked at by an overleveraged country is to borrow more then they are running out of options. The brinkmanship in Congress is so intense that the nation is mesmerised by waiting for, who blinks first.

The system is broken, The checks and balances do not work, there is a big disconnect between ruler and ruled, it has become all about how the interests of a minority can be best served, money is the only value that is recognised, all other values have become secondary. This may sound more like a third world country than the USA but tragically it is true.

Lately there has been a formal recognition of this by S&P downgrading the US to AA. Barring the noise against S&P, there is a creeping recognition that the government is not working and unlikely to work going forward. This defers the solution to 2012, when Obama may or may not get thrown out. Billion will be spent between now and 2012 trying to sell the public a pack of meaningless propoganda. No where is Democracy made a bigger mockery of than in the US. Decisions are being made in the interest of the party and not the Country. In the next one year enough bad decisions will have been made to make it meaningless as to who gets elected.
There is no one on the scene who can save the country except a lone black man who is more professor than leader. Perhaps he can see that once you get elected you no longer represent the party but that you represent the country. Perhaps he needs another four years to come of his shell. This will be the issue before the electorate in 2012. So far there is no one else on the scene with the slightest ounce of decency or integrity. In fact decency and integrity have not been in demand, if they were then Ralph Nader would be every ones candidate for the Presidency.

It is now becoming clearer that the huge increase in the Budget Deficit during the Bush years was direcly as a result of actions Bush took after 9/11. It is not being recognised how Osama bin Laden has helped not only to Bankrupt the US but also to set in motion its decline. That is one other reason that the media does not talk about these costs.